
Friday, August 12, 2011

Smile Friday: Expect The Unexpected

It's Smile Friday again I am linking up with Ashley over at Smile Steady. I don't know about you guys but there are about zero TV shows on this summer. HOWEVER, Big Brother 13 is on and this is by far my favorite show of the entire year. Last night was CRAZY Brachael is back in the game and poor Lawon was just plain dumb for offering to be evicted... DOY who does that?! Are you guys watching BB13? Please tell me I'm not the only mega fan around here. 

 The show comes on 3 nights a week and every Sunday, Wednesday, & Thursday I have a big ole smile on my face! Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend! 


1 comment:

  1. Sorry hun, but Big Bro just doesn't have anything on my FNL! ;)


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