
Monday, January 10, 2011

snow day

Snow days aren't NEARLY as much fun as they used to be.  Now-a-days you still have to get your booty out of bed and go to work..... unless the highways are closed and that's about your only get of jail free card.  It is still super beautiful to see those snow flurry's fall down.  I was out running a few office errands this morning.... which actually rarely happens........and literally picked the worst weather day to run all over the OKC metroplex...... however the roads weren't bad at all...... ok back to my story which really isn't a story at all BUT I want to show you this picture I snapped at the Oklahoma Dental Association's office.

You can barely see them but the snow flurries are comin down!  It's supposed to be brrrrrrrrrrrrr cold this week... in the teens YIKES!  I plan on hibernating after work this week and doing my new favorite thing..... BLOGGING! 

Thank's for being so welcoming you guys :) Stay tuned for my "easy french onion soup" recipe coming tomorrow!


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